45,000 Works of Art from Stanford University’s Cantor Arts Center Now Freely Viewable

As of November 2015, “Stanford University‘s Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts made its collection accessible online, digitizing and uploading over 45,000 of its works of art in forms freely viewable by all. These include, if you navigate through the collections highlighted on the browse page, works of American and European art;African, Native American, and Oceanic art; Asian art; modern and contemporary art;prints, drawings, and photographs; and Stanford family collections as well as works currently on display.”

Free images

We frequently need images for presentations or websites we maintain. As we are to comply with copyright, we are to use only free images. There are multiple sources available and you can review various options at this blog post. If you have other sites you use for free images, please share! And it will be great if you mention this collection to your students as well.